Commuters and tourists share their worst #tubeetiquette stories

Listen to Audioboo stories about #tube etiquette

Listen to Audioboo stories about #tube etiquette

Seasoned commuters will know there are many things a person should never do on a tube – you don’t take up too much space, hold the doors open, push past people, shove your bag/elbow/newspaper [delete as appropriate] in your fellow tube sufferer’s face… the list goes on.

Yet, still *some people* continue to practise this bad behaviour on the tube – so many so, we probably all know an offender, and more than likely have been the cause of the problem ourselves more than once.

Thus, I’ve created an Audioboo playlist of people’s stories about #tubeetiquette to find out what issues grind the most on people.

I spoke to a daily commuter to Heathrow, someone who commutes from York to London for business once a month, and a Canadian new to London, all about their experiences.

But what’s the worst behaviour you’ve seen on the tube? Tweet us with the hashtag #tubeetiquette.

Also, if you need a reminder of good tube etiquette, or know somebody who you think does, check our our earlier article on this topic –  ‘Don’t be a twat – tube etiquette posters revisited’.

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